Conflict Management and Conflict Styles

Most people don't really think about how they approach conflict. It just happens. When conflicts arise we tend to play out our roles like scripts based on our behavioral and conflict styles. Effective conflict management can only be achieved when an individual begins to really see how her or his conflict style is actually self-destructive.
Our conflict management workshops examine conflict styles and allow participants to really see their own self-destructive behavior patterns. Through behavioral style assessments, interactive discussions, role play and effective training, we help workshop participants to change the way they view and handle daily conflict. The result is a re-alignment of attitudes and a tremendous increase in teamwork. When your people really begin functioning as a team everyone will feel
the difference.

Adult Children Learning to Grow Up

Most of us don't like to admit it, but we often revert to childish behaviors during conflict. We have learned to disguise our motives and actions with a facade of maturity, but we're not fooling anyone.
Emotional immaturity is at its worst during conflict. Have you ever seen a manager or employee throwing a temper tantrum? Adult forms of pouting, name-calling, bullying and whining can be found in nearly every workplace around the world. And these traits are never mentioned in resumes and are seldom detected during the interviewing process.

"Why Do I Have to Be the One Who Changes?"
The earliest conflict behaviors children develop are blame, defensiveness and rationalization. These behaviors continue through adulthood and become the greatest obstacles to personal change and growth. "Why should I change? My boss is the problem!" We tend to blame others, defend ourselves, and rationalize our emotionally immature behavior.
In order to change, you have to want to change. Our conflict management workshops give participants an objective, personal view of the results of their behaviors. Our behavioral and communication style assessments are unbelievably accurate, and function as a mirror for participants. Since the whole group is in the workshop, no one is singled out. We examine the results of childish, ineffective conflict styles both in the workplace and in your personal life. And participants often really see themselves accurately for the first time.
If you expect me to work at changing myself, you have to answer the question, "What's in it for me?" Our workshops do just that. Effective conflict management improves the value of your relationships; with your boss, co-workers, friends spouse or partner, children and all the members of your family. When you really begin to see how your behaviors are sabotaging your own life, the question, "What's in it for me?" is answered. These are the seeds of wisdom and wisdom is the beginning of change.