Training in Conflict Management

About the Training Programme

The ACCORD Conflict Management Series is a set of three-day courses that aim to provide an overall understanding of conflict and conflict analysis, and to impart the skills to become an effective conflict resolution practitioner.

About the Training Programme

For over ten years, ACCORD have been active throughout the African continent building capacity in government, business and civil society to transform destructive conflicts and build security.
These training courses draw on our accumulated experience. Conflicts have become more complex, whether inter-personal, organisational, inter-group or inter-state in nature – complicated by issues of technology, power relations, access to economic resources, gender, race and ethnicity. Complexity brings with it the challenge to resolve multi-faceted conflicts, and demands creativity and extraordinary insight.
ACCORD attempts to bring African solutions to the African challenges that we face. While attempting to keep abreast of international trends, we are very conscious also of our African perspective. We make a point of using African methodologies, resources and experience within our training approach.